Monday, September 14, 2009

New yarn..

So I called my friend Amy.. and said.. I hate you being in Texas and not just four blocks away, because, if you were four blocks away, I would drive over to your house, right this very minute and show you the new, self-striping yarn that I dyed.

All by myself.

It is so beautiful that I was tempted to drive over to Amy's old house to introduce myself to the complete stranger that lives there to show off the yarn. (Old habits, you know...)

Amy said.. put it on your blog. Then I can look at it tomorrow. Well Amy, here it is, and it is a thing of beauty. Hard to see, but there is a dark and light brown, then a dark and light pink.

Pretty, Pretty, Pretty, Pretty, Pretty, Pretty, Pretty, Pretty, Pretty... you get it.

One of the many cool things about Amy, is that before she ever saw this yarn, when I told her that I had finally made self-striping yarn in my very own dye pot, she started, like, jumping up and down with excitement (of course you can tell over the phone!) like if she had been just four blocks away, she would have jumped into her minivan and would have been to my house before I could have gotten out of my driveway...


EditThis said...

Cool! Also, I'd like to point out, I think I still have some kitchen things you knitted for me way back in the day. ;)

Joan's Good Life said...

Oh how cool! I'm still trying to learn how to knit. I wish you only lived 4 blocks away from me 'cuz then I'd be running over to your house with my unfinished knitting project so you could help me with the shoulder part that has had me stumped for the past 9 months!

LOVE the colors of your yarn! I'm excited for you! Yay! Can you tell I'm jumping up and down for joy for you?!? ;)