"Thank the good Lord the children are going back to school Monday, they are ready to kill each other!"
Of course, this Friday was not that Friday... That is still a week away. So we have done our best to deal with the stress and the irritation in the home. We are failing, miserably.
Oh well.
They have new video games, those are always good for distraction. This is the reason that I have not posted in a while. "Spore" has entered our world. This version of the game is PC based, and because I refuse to get my children their own computer, I have not gotten near a computer until now.
I have, instead, finished some knitting projects, and started some new ones. I will admit to finally scraping my brother, Eric's, Skull hat. I give up, I hate it, I avoided even looking at it -- enough, I ripped it out and will send the k2p2 watch cap to him with some coffee beans and no apologies about the crappy hat that I could see in my mind, but could not translate to yarn. Don't worry, I'm not bitter. Really.
I am happily starting new socks (of course, I always have socks on the needles) from yarn that I dyed myself and I will be working cables into the pattern. They have just been started. See?
Icky photo, sorry. Not much to see yet, I'll post more pictures later when I'm farther along.
I also finally started my Alpaca, fair isle yoke sweater a la Elizabeth Zimmerman. The sweater will be a cardigan, I am just starting the ribbing. See?
And here are the colors that will be in the yoke. See?
And here are the kittens that have done their best to attack every bit of yarn that I've touched for several weeks. See?
Why do all of my children look so angelic when they're sleeping?
Sorry, I disagree. Christmas vacation can not be too long. I woke up this morning thinking..oh no..it's my last Monday.
Well sure Pam! you're going back to the kids who now have to get back into the frae of school.. ick.
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